Wednesday, March 02, 2005

It's Wednesday

All day, no less. Twenty-four hours of Wednesday.

We had SnB last night and I didn't really have a project I could take along so I started a new one. If you've seen the book "Scarf Style" from Interweave Press, you will have seen the corkscrew scarf. I started it at the store yesterday in Silky Tweed, a lovely combo of wool and silk. The pattern is an easy one to remember, only 6 rows and they make sense. After about 2 repeats, I had it memorized. I have almost twelve inches done and I'm loving it! If I can figure out how to post pictures to this blog, I'll post pics of it. (With a little help from Jane, I've managed to get pictures up, so here we go...)

The Jolly Green Giant slippers before felting.

...and after felting.

The finished Clapotis. I'm loving it! Would I make another one? Probably, but it would be as a gift for someone special, not for myself. After all, how many clapotis (what's the plural of clapotis, anyway?) can one woman use?

1 comment:

  1. Well, Hey! this is neat!

    So my buddy Ev loaned me a pair of teeny tiny circs (2mm) to try socks on two circs....a trip to the LYS for a couple of balls of lovely blue Regia Silk and I'm off....hmmmmm....there seems to be an awful lot of extra cable the end of every (half) row, I need to pull all that cable through and figure our which end of which needle to carry on with.....this is NOT going well....two inches into my first sock and I'm seriously considering transferring my project to a set of plain ol' dps......ask me again tomorrow.

