Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Spring in the Okanagan

I know you can tell just by looking out the window that it's definitely spring. The grass is green, the trees are in full bloom or leaf, lilacs are blooming, daffodils are done, baby birds are chirping for their food... yup, it's spring. There's one aspect of spring in the Okanagan that I hadn't known about, though. Pollen. Tons of it. Fine yellow powder on everything. Allergy hell. White patio furniture turned yellow. Lake water.... well, I think you get the picture and in case you don't.....

The first picture is taken from where we had our fire pit. It's under water at this time of year, apparently. The water's still rising slowly and when I sit on the dock now, my toes are in the water.

On another note, I went shopping yesterday. On the way to pick John up from work, I stopped in at Chapters to see what was interesting in the knitting books. I found this one and decided I wanted it.

I've heard about this book before (A Gathering of Lace, gathered by Meg Swanson) and, considering how much I'm enjoying the process of knitting lacy shawls (Kiri, Flower Basket and Meadow Flowers) I thought this book would make a nice addition to my library. There are a few others I'd like to get, but I have to be patient. I don't need to get them all at one time. (Unless I happen to win a lottery, or something.)

Incidentally, I'm hoping there will be a few more entries into your "must-have" picks. I'm already putting together my list of "should haves" from your picks. Once we're closer to the end of the month, I'll put together the list of your picks and post it here. Thank you so much to those of you who have responded so far. I'm really enjoying reading your comments and your picks. For those of you not sure of what I'm writing about, you can read all about it by clicking here.

Alright, time to get on with my day. It's Tuesday. Today's knitting class has been cancelled due to the provincial elections (the teacher is one of the people staffing a polling booth; I don't know why she can't be in two places at the same time!). I suppose I'd better make time in my busy schedule to perform my civic duty, shouldn't I?

1 comment:

  1. Evil, just evil. I'm so jealous! I want to live there. Don't you want to live in a little town in the middle of the country with hot humid weather. Come on I'll trade ya! What a lovely place to sit and knit, oh I'm so jealous. Oh well I'll just fight the jealousy and be happy for you.
