Friday, May 06, 2005

A little lightheartedness

Ok, so I haven't been doing a LOT of knitting over the last week or so. I think that's understandable given that we're still unpacking boxes and trying to get this house organized. That said, I have been been working on my own design a little bit (and forgot it at the store yesterday; I have the weekend off.. *sigh*). I don't think I mentioned what it's going to be. I'm intending it to be a woman's vest, v-necked, just to the hip. The colours in the Noro are gorgeous, no doubt about that!

In addition, I'm going to be re-working the entrelac scarf pattern so we can put it into kits for the store. As it is right now, it's knit up on 32 stitches, four rectangles of 8 stitches. I'm bringing it down to 24 stitches, or four rectangles of 6 stitches. In order to take pictures of it, though, it needs (of course) to be re-knitted at the smaller size. I started that project yesterday and will, hopefully, do some work on it today. I'll post a progress picture when there's a little more than an inch and a half and more colour than just browns to show you. If it turns out anything like the other entrelac scarf, it's going to be a keeper.

I'm quite surprised I'm liking the Noro Silk Garden as much as I am. I think, from here on in, any scarf I make will be made with SG. It is a beautiful yarn.

Now, for the lightheartedness. On Ada's blog, she had a link to a quiz to find out your Inner European. So, I did it. Even though I'm from good, hearty Dutch (actually Frisian) stock, my inner European seems to be French. In all honesty, that doesn't surprise me at all. I think I'll get John to do the same test; I'd almost place bets that his inner European is the same.

The results:

Your Inner European is French!

Smart and sophisticated.

You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.

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