We had a bit of a forest fire scare here last week. Thankfully, the cooler weather and the rain helped get that fire contained very quickly and it is no longer a threat.
On the knitting front, I'm making good progress with Jeane's socks. One's done and the other is progressing nicely. I was hoping to spend more time knitting yesterday, but when both of us have a day off together, husbands come first, n'est ce pas? Today, he's working, so I have the time to spend with my needles and am looking forward to getting a lot done!
One thing I did do yesterday was to go through the yarn stash in my bedroom. It was getting a little untidy and unruly. John created a little "cat corner" in the bedroom for me (typical Leo.. I like my little cat corners, where I can sit, knit, read or whatever... there aren't enough of those little corners in this house) and when he came to check where I was and what I was doing, I had baskets, yarn and pink bags (the store I work in uses these great pink bags.. they make great project bags, but you can't hide yarn purchases from your husband) spread all around me. Now, I know just how many projects I have on the go (don't ask) and what needs to be worked on next before I start something else. Check it out.
(And, just so you don't get the wrong idea, this is NOT the entirety of my stash; this is the part of the stash that is in my bedroom. There are another couple of boxes and a suitcase of yarn being stored in the garage... I know, not the ideal place for it, but the garage is enclosed and is directly below our bedroom, used mainly for storage, not for vehicles.)
My "cat corner". I love to sit there with a cup of coffee, a magazine or my knitting. With the skylight above, I have plenty of light. This is not the brightest of houses.
Speaking of Jeane's socks, my socks from her arrived here on Monday afternoon. They're beautiful! Here's a picture to show you just how nice they are. They are the Baltic socks from the German sock knitting Yahoo group, Mustersocken (I think I got that right). An interesting little aside... Jeane sent the ball band from the yarn; it's a Canadian yarn... I'm Canadian. Just thought that was kind of interesting.Once again, thank you, Jeane! You'll have your socks soon.