Saturday, July 09, 2005

A short post today

A quick note to Judi who asked where I found the pattern for the Heavenly Camisole: I did try to email you, but it didn't go through, apparently. The pattern is out of an Interweave Press book, "The Knitter's Stash", edited by Barbara Albright. It's a nice book; I've already made a shawl (Meadow Flowers shawl) out of it and there are a couple more patterns I'd like to make. Someday.

Someone in one of the Yahoo groups I'm part of mentioned a disease called "startitis". I chuckled when I read that because it's something I suffer from, if you can call it suffering. Yesterday, at work, I started another little baby sweater. I've got the front done already and the back is almost half finished. I suppose you could call it a "side" project, along with all the other "side" projects. I'll post pictures when I take it home. Last night, I left my knitting bag and the little sweater at the store as I'm working again today.

I really need to find a cure for "startitis". How does one acquire "finish-itis"?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the referal to the 'Knitters Stash' book. I really like that pattern and may have to buy the book. Sorry about the Spam capturing thingy which prevented your email from coming through.
