Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Picture Post

...and a note. The camel yarn is not $35/skein as I said earlier. It's actually $44/skein. So, no, I don't want to get into a second skein if I don't absolutely have to. I've started the edging; I'm not taking any chances. With the stitch count as it is, I'd have to knit another 10 rows to have the right amount of stitches for the edge. I don't think I'd have enough yarn for that.

Without further ado...

How it's knitting up. The colour variation is the yarn itself. This stuff has not been dyed at all.

The beginning of the end (sans blocking, of course). Almost three repeats of the edge pattern, from Myrna Stahman's book, "Shawls and Scarves".

And the stitch used in the scarf that's being test knitted...

Yes, that colour is pretty close to what it really is, in real life, so to speak. As I said, very masculine in my humble opinion.

Now, do you think I can tear John away from golf long enough to .......


  1. $44 a skein? Did the little tags with the name of the spinner include a thank you note?

    Yarn for the scarf is drying outside...

  2. ohhh I bet the camel is a dream to knit. Love all those nautral variations in color don't you! It's gorgeous! Thats one main reason I took up spinning cheaper too....;o)))

  3. Wow, awesome colors in that camel yarn. I want to test out that shawl, it looks so comfy. (that day may come) -Gloria
