Saturday, July 24, 2010

The F.O. Revisited

In an earlier post, I wrote about the Folded Brim Cloche being a finished object. Well, the knitting was finished; it hadn’t been felted yet. Now it is truly a finished object.


It was felted this week and turned out pretty darned well, if I do say so myself.


It even fits well. John says I need to grow my hair now, just so the hat looks good on, but I kind of like it as short as it is at the moment (the shortest I’ve had it in years!). Besides, in the winter, when I’m wearing a winter coat and scarf, who cares if my hair shows or not? I grew up knowing that in the winter you dress for warmth, not for style.

In other things, this weekend will be spent preparing for company. My daughter and her two kids will be arriving sometime on Wednesday and staying for almost a week and I’m off work for three days (well, off for three workdays… then there’s the weekend and the following Monday is a statutory holiday, so I’ll actually have almost a week off). I am SO looking forward to meeting this little character…

ethanI have a feeling he’ll be keeping all of us on our toes; it’s a good thing we have a large yard! I’ll also have to make sure I have some yarn and needles for little Miss Trinity (who’s not so little anymore; she starts Grade 1 in September). I’m sure one of the first things she’ll ask about is knitting.

Back to work now; there are floors to be cleaned, laundry to be done, buns to bake, a video to produce (it’s work-related, but I’ll share it with you when it’s done), relaxation to be fitted in… you get the picture, right?

1 comment:

  1. Neat hat! Hope you have fun with the family this week.
