Sunday, January 22, 2006

Another FO for January

The baby booties are finished. I don't have a baby to give them to, but I'm sure they'll be put to good use one day. They're a quick knit. The pattern could use a little re-writing just to make it easier to follow, but it works and the finished booties are cute. I'll make more of these just to have them on hand and to use up some of the little odds and ends of yarn left over from making socks. And if there are no babies to give them to, I may, once I have a "stash" of booties, donate them to the hospital.

John, incidentally, thinks they're cute, but doesn't like the colour. It reminds him of seafoam, he said. I told him they weren't for him, so his opinion really didn't count for much. They're perfect if you don't know whether the coming infant is male or female. When he needs a pair of baby booties, I'll make them in a colour of his choosing.

I've picked up the Stashbuster Spiral socks again this morning. They'll be pretty funky, I'm thinking. Here's how they look so far...

For any of you who've made these before, how on earth did you keep your yarns from tangling? I feel as if I'm spending more time untangling the yarns than I am knitting the socks!

I'm using two colours of Regia (the dark blue and the variegated) and two colours of SuperSocke (by process of elimination, that would be the pink and the blue). I cast on with a tubular cast on as found at Knitty. I like how it looks (the cast on, that is). I think this will be a work in progress for some time. The untangling is a little bit of a putoff.

Now, time to call my daugher. It's her 26th birthday today. Happy Birthday, Kristen!!

1 comment:

  1. I had the same thought about that pattern myself - 4 colors carried all the way through the foot and leg is about 2 colors too many! I fear those socks would cause my gray hairs would multiply...
