Sunday, October 09, 2005

Another post for today

I really don't think I should be posting twice in the same day, but it's turning out to be a rather productive day. At least, I think it is.

For your enjoyment, I've added the Dewdrop scarf pattern to my sidebar. The scarf itself isn't quite finished yet, but I've increased it's total length by about 12 inches today. It's working up quite quickly. And, as you can tell, I've got the pattern typed up. Enjoy!

The remainder of today will be spent in Thanksgiving day celebration. In other words, cooking, relaxing, drinking wine, eating and more relaxing. We might even go for a walk; the weather's gorgeous. It's one of those beautiful, sunny autumn days with a lovely crispness to the air. We've got to enjoy it while we can.


  1. Thank you Ev for the Dewdrop scarf pattern. It's lovely. Enjoy your day!

    Judi M.

  2. Hope you enjoyed your day--it sounded wonderful!
    Thank you for the scarf pattern!! Could you give me an idea how much yarn to get??
