Tuesday, May 29, 2007

One down, one to go

One of the experimental toe up socks is complete! I sat down this morning, with instructions on how to do a provisional cast off in hand, and did it. It went much more quickly than I thought it would; I realized very quickly that it really is no different than doing the Kitchener stitch at the toe of a sock, except that all your stitches are on the same needle.

Here's how it looks...

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And a close-up of the tubular cast off...

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Now, I have a small confession to make. Do you see how I'm holding the edge of the sock so you can't see all the way around? Well, I'm not really happy with the way the two ends came together. The instructions don't really tell you how to finish it off in the round. It won't fall apart or anything, but there's a small gap there that I tried to hide. I didn't hide it very well, but it won't fall apart and when I'm wearing the socks no one will see it, so I'm not overly concerned. If, however, you have a suggestion on how to properly finish the tubular cast off, please let me know, or point me in the right direction.

All in all, I really like this cast off and I can see using it on anything where the cast off edge will be visible.

For your information, I found the directions that I used over at Savannahchik Knits. She has pictures and everything... a very helpful tutorial.

Now, I'm going to go work on the second sock for a while before heading off to work. I'm at the heel of the second sock, so no second sock syndrome this time.

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