Sunday, June 18, 2006

Just a Note

I thought I'd just let you know that I'm still alive and kicking, but with my daughter and granddaughter here, just haven't had the time to update you on anything. We're driving them home today, and will drive through to Vancouver to visit John's dad (and will visit with my parents as well).

We should be back some time Tuesday night, as I have to work on Wednesday. I'll try to get some pictures posted later in the week of Trinity wearing her new hand knitted wardrobe additions. Till then... enjoy your week!


  1. Ah, so that's where you've been. I'll be looking for you later in the week.
    Susan, living life on the lake in Tolland, MA

  2. I've been wondering what was happening, Ev. I hope you've enjoyed the visit.

    Susan Moore --- are you a resident of Wildwood in Tolland MA? Leslie of SV30 - having recently listed her property....

    Talk about a small world :)
