Snail mail... don'tcha just love it? I'll get to that in just a moment. First, though, I have a purchase to share with you. Yesterday, after work, when I should have gone straight home, I went instead to the other yarn shop in town. I like dropping in there now and then because they have stuff that the store I work in doesn't have. Like these two books...
"Shetland Lace" by Sarah Don. I haven't had much of a chance to really go through the book yet, but I think it could be one I'd refer to regularly. I really do enjoy knitting lace, even though I have no burning desire to knit a "ring shawl". You know, that's one of those shawls that can fit through a woman's wedding ring... nope, no intention at all. But I do like knitting lace. It looks so complicated and yet, it really isn't.
The second book is
"A Knitter's Template" by Laura Millitser Bryant and Barry Klein. Having had just a cursory look-through, I can tell you already that I won't be using the second half of the book much, if at all. The first half contains the information I'd use. Garment construction, sleeve treatments, measuring for knitting.. that kind of stuff. It's not that I don't have that kind of information elsewhere; with this book, it seems to be all in one place. I do know (already) that I'll have to get John to help me measure this body I'm inhabiting. I don't think he'll mind too much. ;)
Ok, on to the mail. When I got home from work yesterday, there was a box on the freezer. I didn't have my glasses on, so I wasn't sure who it was for. When I realized it had my name on it, I started to wonder if I'd forgotten that I'd ordered something online, but I was pretty sure I hadn't. So WHO loved me enough to send me a parcel? Who out there has my snail mail address? All that went through my mind in about two seconds. I dropped everything I was carrying (making sure I put the bottle of wine down carefully.. didn't want it to break), found the pocket knife on my key chain and slit the box open. Inside, wrapped in bubble wrap, I found this...

So, why was this sent to me? Well... a while back (summer '05), I was asked if I would consider allowing one of my patterns to be included in this calendar. In return, I would receive a copy of said calendar as a thank you. That calendar is what arrived yesterday. Am I thrilled?? You have no idea!

January 12, 2007.... that's MY day!

A picture of the pattern (which, incidentally, resides in my sidebar as well). I've been published!
Then, I noticed this on the box/cover...

How cool is that! Not only is my pattern included in the calendar, but the picture I took has been included on the cover! Am I thrilled or what?

Before I forget, there were some questions asked in the comments that I really should answer. First of all, regarding the Nanaimo Bars. Knitting Rose asked what custard powder is. Well, I don't know whether you can get this where you live, but the powder I'm referring to is Bird's Custard powder (aka Creme Anglaise). Here, it comes in a yellow, blue and red tin and it's main ingredient is corn starch. You mix it with milk and a bit of sugar, cook it and end up with custard (which I do not like at all!). Instant custard, if you will. You could probably substitute an equal amount of Jello Instant pudding, vanilla flavour.
Then, a couple of you asked about the yarn I'm using for the
"Hug My Ankles" socks. It's Online Supersocke 100 in the Fun Color collection, colour #765. I'm loving the colours in the yarn; it truly is a fun colourway. I must admit to having added four of the colourways to my stash, and may have to, eventually, add the rest of the collection. You can see the entire collection
here; I must say, though, that the picture does not do the collection justice at all. The colours are much brighter than shown.
Now, I have the rest of the day to putter around the house. Any guesses as to what I'll be doing today???